Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Homemade vanilla extract

I'm getting adventurous... Or so I think. This journey has taken me on the road that doesn't always lead to the grocery store. Indeed it has lead me to the liqueur store for vodka.  I've gotten frisky and decided to make my own vanilla extract.  Yep... starting some chemistry in my own kitchen... and I'm super excited.  The only downer is I will need to wait at least six weeks for the process to be complete.  Want to join me here is the SUPER simple instructions and a link to the place I recommend ordering your vanilla beans from.

Vanilla Extract:
One cool jar (I used a old olive oil jar)
Five vanilla beans for every one cup alcohol (bottom shelf vodka is recommended)

Split open vanilla beans and place in jar.  Add vodka to cover the beans.  Allow to sit in a cool dry place for eight weeks or so.  Give a good shake every week.  The flavor will deepen the longer you let it sit.  Replace used extract with additional vodka to keep yummy vanilla extract on hand. 

Best deal on vanilla beans I found:  Beanilla