Thursday, March 28, 2013

Eat your greens! Toasted Brussels sprouts with bacon

Brussel sprouts... most people go thanks but no thanks, but I personally feel these little guys have been long misunderstood.  Sure, they can taste horrible if you don't cook them right, but here is a recipe that I promise will tickle your tummy.  If you have kids get ready for these to be the first to clear the plate.  My kids love it when I serve brussel sprouts this way. 

First, wash and half about two pounds of sprouts and spread out over a 10X13 pan.  You don't want to over fillthe pan.  You want room in between the sprouts so they will roast not steam. 

Now drizzel on a couple tablespoons of good olive oil.  Everything is better with olive oil.

Now add salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Go easy on the salt though, because the bacon you are using will add salt with the fat.  Then use your hands and toss everything together well.

Cut 3-5 pieces of bacon into half inch strips and spread out over the top of the sprouts

Roast in a 425 degree oven for ten minutes then toss.. cook 15 more minutes or until dark brown on the outside.... then enjoy all the yummy goodness.

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