Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In the beginning...

Where do I start?  Most wold say the beginning is a good place, but where exactly is the beginning for me?  You see, I've been over weight most of my life.  In fact, I've been over weight for as long as I can remember.  In kindergarten I was the fat girl and I stayed that way all through school and even into my adult years.  I was the girl that people would make rumbling sounds when I walked by.  It hurt and its a hurt that sticks with you your entire life, though you won't let anyone for a minute see it.. because it simply feeds the evil that is inside them.

This pain lead me into years of self esteem issues, failed marriage, endless types of diets and more weight.  Yep, I'm a weight watcher drop out - 5 time drop out that is.  I've done Jenny Craig, HMR, shakes of all types and pretty much any diet you name, I've done it.  I've even exercised my self to death and sadly starved myself in desperate attempts to loose weight.  On every single one of these plans I lost weight.  I would loose twenty or so pounds and then I would stop loosing weight or get sick of eating what ever I was eating and the weight would stop coming off.  I even had a doctor tell me once that he had no idea why I wasn't loosing weight - that I should just exercise harder to increase my heart rate further and maybe that would work.  Sure.. thats motivating. 

Most people assume your fat because you are unhealthy and you just sit around on your butt all day eating food that is horrible for you.  The fact is, for most that isn't true and it certainly wasn't for me.  I ate less than anyone in my family and I moved more.  I have two kids one of which is two years old and anyone who has a two year old knows there is no sitting around eating bon bons.  Between the house and the kids I'm constantly on the go and trust me their is never a dull moment being a stay at home mom of two. 

Finally in 2013 I set out to figure out why I wasn't loosing weight.  For the first time I began to see food differently.  I learned about why certain foods, though readily available are not good for your body.  In fact, they are down right toxic.  I also learned how and why our body is trained in our society to crave sugar and how hormones drive this craving because our primal instincts can't modify themselves for today's sugar filled society.  I learned how vital my gut was to my over all health and how unhealthy my gut was and that I couldn't wait another minute to start the road to healing.  Food was fuel and without the right fuel I was killing my body with every bite.  Food could and would heal me and with discipline and education I could begin to heal my body from the inside out.  Suddenly, my journey was not longer about weight loss.  It was about healing my body and the bodies in my family.  Things had to change and they needed to change fast. 

 Now trust me here, before you start this journey... its a rabbit hole.  The more you find out that you were wrong about all your life.... the more you want to learn about whats right.... and you'll get angry... very angry that our food in this great nation has been allowed to become as poor as it has become.  America has allowed things into our food supplies that has caused cancer, deadly food allergies, ADD, ADHD, obesity, diabetes and the list goes on and on.  And most shockingly is ONLY the USA allowed these things to be added into our food supply?  Why?  For the bottom line.  Though, I won't get into the facts of all this in my intro, I will be providing information about this in future blogs. 

So what did I do.  Immediately, I started my own whole30.  I eliminated all Dairy, Sugar, Gluten and beans (including peanuts) from my diet.  Its alot I know, but trust me its worth it.  I begin to learn to eat "clean" and focus on putting nutrient dense foods into my body.  I made sure that I ate three solid meals a day that included big portions of healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocados, proteins and vegetables.  I didn't cheat because this was too important.  I focused on making my body healthy by giving it the the healthy foods it needed to begin the healing process.

As of today I am 22 days into my whole30 and I'm not looking back.  I've lost 17lbs and the best part is I've never been hungry.  I haven't been able to exercise because of the weather, but I now have the energy to get up and go.  I can feel my body healing.  My skin looks better, by joint pain is lessening and I have a easier time going to sleep at night.  My whole30 has turned into my whole life!  It has been life changing and there is no way you can convince me to go back to my old eating habits.  I plan to stick to this until the end. 

So thats what this blog is about.  My journey and my discoveries along the way.  I plan to share my successes, my tried recipes and information that I learn.  I invite everyone to join me.  I'd love to hear your stories and I'd love to help you start your own whole30 and  see what changes you can make in your life.  Trust me, you can't afford to wait. 

Recommended Readings from this post:
It Starts with Food (Book)http://www.amazon.com/Starts-Food-Discover-Whole30-Unexpected/dp/1936608898/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1364321790&sr=1-1&keywords=it+starts+with+food



  1. I feel like I just read the story of my life. I've been gluten free for 4 months now and seriously thinking about doing the whole 30. While I feel so much better and I have relief from my arthritis, I feel like I need to do even more. I can't wait to read more of your blog!

  2. I am so proud of you... you're such an inspiration. *hugslove*
